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The King of Fighters XV/Elisabeth Blanctorche/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2B > 5B Standard low light confirm.
2B > 2B > 2B
2B > 2A

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
j.X > cl.C > 6A 176 Standard jump-in starter.
cl.D > 6A 122 Most damaging starter, but slow. Use after a deep jump-in or as a punish.
cl.A, cl.C > 6A 131 Jab link into cl.C from cl.A.
f.C 70

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


General Notes:

  • Character Specific Route# = This route only works the characters listed below. On other characters, the first 236A whiffs.
Heidern, Dolores, Iori, Kukri, Yashiro, K', Maxima, Antonov, Dinosaur, Robert, Vanessa, Rock, Yamazaki, O.Yashiro, Darli, Duo Lon, Rugal, Goenitz

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 138 0 Rush combo ending in a 214A special move
cl.A > A > A > C 240 1 Rush combo ending in a 236236A super
cl.A > A > A > D 367 2 Rush combo ending in a 236236AC Max super
cl.A > A > A > A 458 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 623A, Far D/214A 162 160/170 0 25% Anywhere Optimal light confirm. 214A and f.D do equal damage. Choose between a soft knockdown or an air reset.
Light Starter > 214A 124 120 0 20% Anywhere Easy light confirm.
Heavy Starter > 623C, Far D/214A 243 240/230 0 35% Anywhere Heavy confirm.
Light Starter > 623A, 214K 170 180 0 30% Corner
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 214K 289 290 0 45% Corner
CD, run, Far D 131 170 0 20% Anywhere CD confirm from anywhere.
CD, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214K 230 320 0 45% Corner


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, Far D/214A 259 230/220 0.5 30% Anywhere Optimal light confirm. There's minimal buffer for command normals, so timing the 6A might be difficult.
Light Starter > 623A, 623AC, 214B/cl.D 221/214 280/270 0.5 30% Anywhere Easier light confirm. Choose your ender for an air reset or soft knockdown.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > 214B/214C 369/376 330 0.5 55% Anywhere Heavy BnB. Meter positive and great stun buildup. 214C grants a hard knockdown and slightly more damage.
Light Starter > 623A, 214BD, 6A > 214K, cl.C 311 390 0.5 40% Corner
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214K 296 280 0.5 45% Corner Slightly weaker light confirm, but transitions easier from optimal midscreen confirm.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214BD, 6A > 623A, 214K, cl.C 432 400 0.5 60% Corner Delay the juggled 6A or the 214BD slightly to get the combo to work.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 6A > 214K, cl.C 430 400 0.5 60% Corner Similar to above combo with no delays necessary, but requires no gap between 214BD and 6A. Notice how Elisabeth's combos can be shuffled around and still do similar damage. Adjust your combos based on comfort.
CD, run, 623AC, 6A > 623C, Far D/214A 239 270/260 0.5 30% Anywhere CD can convert into 623AC from anywhere. The combo will be the same as your light confirm.
CD, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 214B, cl.D 311 390 0.5 55% Corner

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 214A > 236236C 284 120 1 20% Anywhere Simple super cancel combo. It is beneficial to get use to only using the C version of this super in combos because it works in every single situation a super cancel of the A version does except it doesn't lose hits if mistimed. It also makes cancelling into climax less likely to whiff.
Light Starter > 623A, 623AC, 214BD, 623C, Far D 322 230 1 40% Anywhere Optimal light confirm.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > 214BD, run, Far D 421 320 1 45% Anywhere Optimal heavy confirm.
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D 394 350 1 55% Corner Optimal light confirm.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623AC, 6A > 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D 476 400 1 60% Corner Optimal heavy corner confirm.
j.CD, 236214P 212 80 1 8% Anywhere Remember that any stray hit can convert into 236214P.
CD, 6A > 623C, 623AC, 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D 337 390 1 55% Corner Technically going straight into 623C and doing the heavy corner combo is stronger, but learning this combo develops muscle memory for your Shatter Strike combos.
236CD, 6A > 623C, Far D/214A 258 170 1 70% Anywhere 6A causing juggle makes Shatter Strike confirms fairly straight forward. This is doable from anti-air Shatter Strike as well, but you'll have to manually time the 6A low enough to the ground for the combo to work.
236CD, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214K 307 220 1 85% Corner Your corner Shatter Strike combos will match your CD combos.
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, 214A > 236236C 389 220 1.5 40% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > 214B > 236236C 499 330 1.5 55% Anywhere Use 236236C's slower startup to ensure the super lands all of the hits.
Light Starter > 623A, 214BD, 6A > 623C, 214K > 236236C 430 280 1.5 45% Corner
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214BD, 6A > 623A, 214K, cl.C > 236214P 518 400 1.5 60% Corner
CD, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D > 236214P 394 390 1.5 60% Corner
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214BD, 236AC > 236C, 236A, 6A > 623A, 214K, cl.C 494 560 1 70% Corner Character Specific Route# Optimal corner combo with massive stun damage.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 623A, 623AC, 214BD, 623C, 214A > 236236C 442 220 2 45% Anywhere Optimal confirm from heavies midscreen as well, dealing 536 damage.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214A > 236236AC 523 230 2 35% Anywhere If you accidentally go into your regular Heavy Starter route, this is your best cash out for 2 bars, with just a small difference of damage to the optimal combo.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 623AC, 6A > 214K > 236236C 403/490 350/400 2 10% Anywhere 1000 Max Gauge combo. cl.C can be used over cl.D for consistency.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > 214K > 236236C 422/501 390/440 2 10% Anywhere 1250 and 1500 Max Gauge combo. You'll have to delay the 214K slightly to get it to fit within the Max timer if you're on 2nd position.
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D > 236P > 236214P 489 430 2 60% Corner
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623AC, 6A > 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D > 236P > 236214P 572 480 2 60% Corner
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 214BD, 6A > 214K > 236236C 415/492 350/400 2 10% Corner 1000 Max Gauge combo. There are technically combos starting in 214BD that are optimal here, but barely so, and are much less consistent due to spacing.
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, 214A > 236236AC 486 220 2.5 40% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > 214B > 236236AC 596 330 2.5 55% Anywhere Unlike combos with 236236C, you have to delay the 2A timing to hit lower so that the super get in all of its hits.
Light Starter > 623A, 214BD, 6A > 623C, 214K > 236236AC 520 280 2.5 45% Corner Like the above combo, except delay 214 K.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 6A > 214K > 236236AC 612 330 2.5 55% Corner Delay 6A.
j.CD, 236214AC 334 80 1 8% Anywhere Like with 236214P, any stray hit also converts into the MAX version. Due to better scaling, spending 2 meters is as exactly as efficient as spending 1. MAX supers usually deal only about 70%~80% more damage for double the meter.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214BD, 236AC > 236C, 236A, 6A > 623A, cl.C > 236P > 236214P 589 640 2 75% Corner Character Specific Route# Optimal corner combo with massive stun damage while building almost 75% of a bar back. Can be done starting with 1.5 bars.

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 623A, 214A > 236236C > 236214AC 536 160 3 30% Anywhere Optimal light confirm outside of Max Cancel. Quick Max combos are generally Elisabeth's strongest use of 3 bars, but non-Max combos can still be useful for her since she builds so much meter during them.
Light Starter > 623A, 623AC, 214BD, 623C, 214A > 236236AC 532 220 3 40% Anywhere Alternate light confirm that does similar damage.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214A > 236236C > 236214AC 634 230 3 35% Anywhere
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 623AC, 6A > 214K > 214236CD 543/619 350/400 3 10% Anywhere 1000 Max Gauge combo. Elisabeth's best use of 3 bars.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 214A > 236236C > 214236CD 563/663 230/280 3 10% Anywhere 1250 Max Gauge combo.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > 214K > 214236CD 562/671 390/440 3 10% Anywhere Alternate 1250 Max Gauge combo. Technically less damage but generates much more stun.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 214A > 236236P > 214236CD 590/674 290/340 3 10% Anywhere 1500 Max Gauge combo.
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D > 236214AC 558 350 3 60% Corner
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623AC, 6A > 623A, 214BD, 214K, cl.D > 236214AC 641 400 3 60% Corner
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 214BD, 6A > 214K > 214236CD 555/632 350/400 3 10% Corner 1000 Max Gauge combo. Requires a slight delay on the 6A, but not too long a delay to where you run out of Max Gauge before the Climax. Stick with the midscreen combo if you aren't confident in your timing.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 6A > 214K > 214236CD 573/653 390/440 3 10% Corner 1250 Max Gauge combo. Requires another slight delay on the 6A.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 214K > 236236C > 214236CD 596/680 310/360 3 10% Corner 1500 Max Gauge combo. Again, remember to maintain the good habit of using the C version of 236236 for combos so that you don't have to delay the previous moves.
Light Starter > 623AC, 6A > BC, 623C, 214A > 236236C > 214236CD 594 220 3.5 20% Anywhere This does marginally more than a 1250 Max Gauge combo.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 623AC, 6A > BC, dl. 214A > 236236C > 214236CD 704 310 3.5 35% Anywhere More meter efficient. You must delay the 214A. 214C can also work for more consistency with less damage. If the 236236C version is used, 214A does not have to be delayed as much and the combo is much easier to land.
Light Starter > 623A, 214BD, 6A > BC, 623C, dl. 214K > 236236C > 214236CD 634 280 3.5 20% Corner Delay the 214K as much as possible.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 214BD, 6A > BC, 214K > 236236C > 214236CD 726 330 3.5 35% Corner Delay the 6A here. 214C can be used instead of 214K.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 214A > 236236AC > 214236CD 653/760 230/280 4 10% Anywhere 1250 Max Gauge combo. Your Max confirms are much more meter efficient here than non-Max combos.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 214A > 236236AC > 214236CD 672/764 290/340 4 10% Anywhere 1500 Max Gauge combo.
Light Starter > 623A, 214BD, 623C, 623AC, 6A > BC, dl. 214K > 236236C > 214236CD 685 280 4 30% Corner Works with 1250 Max Gauge. Use 236236C and you won't have to delay the 214K as much, making the combo much easier. You can also use 214C.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214BD, 623A, 623AC, 6A > BC, dl. 214K > 236236C > 214236CD 763 330 4 35% Corner Stronger than her 1250 Max confirm, but weaker than her 1500 confirm.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C, 214K > 236236AC > 214236CD 678/770 310/360 4 10% Corner 1500 Max Gauge corner combo.

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 623A, 214BD, 623C, 623AC, 6A > BC, 214K > 236236AC > 214236CD 760 280 5 20% Corner Overall Elizabeth can't spend 5 meter that well except for these two corner combos.
Heavy Starter > 623C, 214BD, 623A, 623AC, 6A > BC, 214K > 236236AC > 214236CD 838 330 5 15% Corner
Heavy Starter > 623C, 623A, 236AC, BC, 623AC, 6A > 214K > 236236P > 236214AC > 214236CD 974 330 5 15% Corner TOD if jump-in is included
236CD, BC, 236214P > 236236AC > 214236CD 698 0 4.5 50% Corner Elisabeth gets a raw max confirm off a raw (ground) shatter strike

External Links

Elizabeth Combos by Meno
Elizabeth Combos by Kakuge


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