Blowback Attack
Pressing the E button while blocking will allow (name) to do counter with (description), and he will then tag out.
Silky Throw: b/f+CD
Can be broken.
Command Moves
Icarus no Kutsu: d,d+D
Special Moves
Hamadrias Buster: qcf+A/C (air OK)
Neptune Killer: dp+B/D
Morning Star Attack: qcb+A
Morning Star Crash: qcb+C
Lion's Shield: hcb+B/D
Life Flower: d,d+AC/BD/BC
For almost a second and a half, Athena waters a plant in the ground that sprouts three hearts. 'Collecting' these hearts have a varying effect depending on the button combination used.
The animation and visual sprite is the same for all 3 versions.
Both Athena and the opponent can pick up the heart, but how much the effect gives is dependent on who picks it up.
Athena recovers before the plants releases the hearts, allowing a brief scramble for either player to get on top of the plant.
Yakusouka Tairyokume Corpse: d,d+AC
Heals red health. The opponent recovers half the red health Athena herself can heal by.
Yakusouka Tairyokume Pneuma: d,d+BD
Builds gauge meter. Athena can receive 90% of one bar while the opponent can get 125% of one bar.
Yakusouka Bakutenme Pure Blossom: d,d+BC
Releases an unblockable explosion on contact. This launches the player who triggered it, leading to further damage if the other player is in range and reacts to the effect.
Athena receives only slightly less damage than the estimated 24% the opponent receives if she's blown up by Pure Blossom.
Pukapuka Hovering: in air, BD
Hamadrias Buster: qcf+A/C
Same as air ver. of special.
Unicorn Horn: A/C
Typhoon Sing: B
Cancel: D
Athena drops straight down and is unable to use jump normals or j.qcf+A/C.