-Happy New Year 2025!

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2/Terry Bogard

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The main character of the Fatal Fury series and the mascot for SNK as a whole, Terry is exactly the kind of character you probably expect him to be. Straightforward and well rounded, Terry has a flexible kit that lets him play the game in a variety of styles. He doesn't have the overwhelming strengths of a top tier character but Terry is more than equipped to handle just about anything the RB2 cast can throw at him.

Pros Cons
  • Jack of all trades
  • Poor mixups

Normal Moves


Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
8 3/11 5 2 10 4 0 HL Y - -

Standard jab. Useful for checking short jumps.

(within 49px)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 3/11 5 2 10 4 0 HL Y - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 3/11 8 5 13 -2 -6 HL Y - -

Decently fast, great horizontal range and no hurtbox from his calf downwards. Used along with 5C as essential parts of Terry's neutral, poking and pressure games. Special cancellable.

(within 57px)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 3/11 6 6 9 1 -3 HL Y - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 6/22 9 6 23 -3 -9 HL Y - -

This massive horizontal hitbox is one of Terry's longest ranged normals. Only a single frame slower than 5B, but the slightly higher angle means it can be low profiled by certain situations.

(within 70px)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10+10 4/11 8 5 20 3(7) -3(1) HL Y - -

Hits twice, making for easy confirms into special.


Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
8 3/11 5 5 7 4 0 HL Y - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 3/11 6 3 12 1 -3 HL Y - -

Terry's answer to the time honored shoto crouching MK from Street Fighter, a decently ranged low that special cancels, or can go into 2B, 2C for a chain combo into sweep.

Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
23 6/26 8 5 20 -KD -6(1) HL Y - -

Despite the odd angle of Terry's leg on the attack animation, this is a sweep. Very useful thanks to the long range, get comfy with this one.


Wild Upper
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
19 4/18 6 3+9 20 -5(7) -11(1) HL Y - -

Anti air attack with more vertical range and faster startup than 5AB, but without the invincibility.

Backspin Kick
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
19 6/12 14 4 22 2 -3 HL N - -

Knocks opponents into oversway, where you can get a combo or a mixup. Can kara cancel the startup into specials.

Charging Kick
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
16 6/22 17 4 20 2 -4 H N - -

Terry's overhead, get comfortable inputting this quickly so you can open your opponents up. Can kara cancel into specials.

High Avoid Attack
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
19 5/18 10 6 23 -3(7) -9(1) HL Y - -

Univeral upper body invincible attack. While it may not have the vertical distance or fast startup of 3A, the invincibility frames make it a solid anti air in its own right and gives it utility against grounded opponents as well.


Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Full Jump 8 3/11 5 10 6 8 4 H - - -
Hop 8 3/11 5 Until Landing 6 8 4 H - - -
All except diagonal full jump
Diagonal full jump
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Neutral Full Jump 10 3/11 6 6 6 8 4 H - - -
Diagonal Full Jump 10 3/11 6 8 6 8 4 H - - -
Hop 10 3/11 6 Until Landing 6 8 4 H - - -
Neutral full jump
Diagonal full jump
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Neutral Full Jump 19 6/22 8 6 8 15 9 H - - -
Diagonal FJ and Hop 19 6/22 8 8 8 15 9 H - - -

This normal has alarming amounts of hitstun, so very often you will be able to microdash after landing it (such as after a j.D crossup) to secure a proper confirm.

Oversway Actions

(opponent in oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
19 4/18 8 3, 3 - -2(7) -7(1) H Y - -

Commonly chained from 6B for a combo, including one of the few reliable ways to confirm into Triple Geyser.

(opponent in oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
19 4/18 7 4, 2 12 8 7 L Y - -
(from oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 2/11 24 4 12 3 1 H N - -
(from oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10 2/11 24 4 12 1 -1 L N - -
(from oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
18 6/22 26 4 12 11 -3 HL N - -


Buster Throw
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
26 - - - - - - - - - -


Burn Knuckle Feint
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
- - - - 18 - - - - - -
Power Geyser Feint
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
- - - - 18 - - - - - -

For combo purposes, this is the feint you'll want to use.

Special Moves

Power Wave
Initial Hitbox
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
16 5 16 - 56 -2 -4 HL - Y N

Terry's basic projectile attack, it travels along the ground. As you'd expect, it's a cornerstone of Terry's zoning, and being low to the ground means opponents have to jump to get across it. Be careful with this one, if opponents get wise to overuse they can very easily jump at you and punish you with a full combo during the recovery. Can be used as a breakshot.

Round Wave
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
16 2 24 13 19 -2 -4 HL - Y N

Hits opponent in oversway. Can be used as a breakshot.

Burning Knuckle
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Light 32 5 15 16 13 -8 -7 HL - Y Y

Horizontal travelling attack, Terry's "tatsu" if you will. The light version is a common combo ender thanks to the quick startup and decent corner carry. If spaced well it's not the most unsafe thing in the world, but excessively throwing out light burn knuckles is a bad habit that plagues many a Terry player across all the games he's been in. Whiffs on crouching opponents if not performed very close to them. Can be used as a breakshot.

Heavy 38 7 26 20 26 -1 -24 HL - Y Y

Slower startup than the light version so you can't combo into it as freely, but travels much further at a higher speed and knocks down. As you probably expected, this move is horrendously unsafe, so if it gets blocked you are almost certainly going to get hurt. Can be used as a breakshot.

Rising Tackle
[2]8A 46f charge
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10+8*4 (35) 5 5 21 51 KD -44 HL - N Y

Terry's reversal, a very "flash kick" type move. It's quite fast and has pretty solid horizontal range as well. However the latter also means it can whiff in some niche scenarios, for example if you time it too late and your opponent jumps at you, sometimes Terry will go under the opponent's jump. One of Terry's only two specials that cannot be used as a breakshot.

Crack Shoot
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
11*3 (28) 5 8 6 22 4 -2 HL - Y Y

Horizontally travelling crescent flip kick, puts Terry in the air so it can travel over certain things. Reliable pre-emptive anti air and at -2 it's not super unsafe if spaced properly. As a breakshot it has use thanks to the high profile property.

Fire Kick
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
8+21 (18) 2+2 9 6 30 17 -13 L - N N

Terry slides along the ground, and if he connects with an opponent on hit (NOT on block) he follows up with a high kick that launches them into the air. This launch can be followed up with a Rising Tackle juggle, but note that if you aren't very close to the opponent the juggle will whiff. For this reason, combos using this move tend to either come from low pushback starters (such as 2B) or be done in the corner. The A version of Burn Knuckle will also juggle at certain spacings. This move makes for a really annoying breakshot because of the low profile properties, and you're almost guaranteed the juggle in most instances as well. One last thing to note, the slide doesn't have as much range as it looks and is very unsafe on whiff and block.

Passing Sway
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
10+26 (32) 0 8 3, 2 15 12 6 HL - N N

Puts Terry into oversway. The other special that cannot be used as a breakshot.


Power Geyser
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
76 - 34 4, 13 31 KD -8 HL - Y N

Gigantic vertical range, but there's no reliable way to combo into it. Past the point where Terry raises his arm (saying "Power...!") any attempt to hit him will result in a trade in his favor. Can be used as a breakshot.


Triple Geyser
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
30+35+40 (90) - 20 - 70 KD -10 HL - N Y

Like Power Geyser, but there's three of them. Unlike Power Geyser, there are ways to combo into it, most notably from 5D against an opponent in oversway, or from chain combos ending in 3C. Unfortunately, the whole move will NOT connect when done against an opponent in the corner. While Power Geyser can be used as a breakshot, Triple Geyser cannot. Throwing this out recklessly in neutral is not advised, as opponents can easily enter oversway and stay there until the attack ends.

Chain Attacks

  • 5A (close/far)->5C
  • 2A -> 2C
  • 5BB -> 5C(reset), 6C(overhead), 2C(sweep), or 3C (juggles)
  • 3A -> 9B (Power Dunk)
  • 5AB -> 6C (Power Charge)


  • 5A, 5C, A Burn Knuckle
Basic Terry bnb, connects from further away than you'd think.
  • 5A, 5B, 3C, Burn Knuckle (either)
A Burn Knuckle grants a mixup, C Burn Knuckle knocks down and does more damage.
  • 2B, 2B, 3C, Burn Knuckle (either)
Same as the above, but from a low starter.
  • (2B,) 2B, Fire Kick, Rising Tackle
Good damage, but spacing dependent. Very consistent in the corner, otherwise you need to be pretty close.
  • 3A, 5C, 5C, Power Geyser Feint, 5A, Fire Kick, Rising Tackle
Corner only, absurdly high damage.
  • 5A, 5B, 3C, Triple Geyser
Most reliable super confirm, note that the whole super will not connect in the corner.
  • 2B, 2B, 3C, Triple Geyser
Same as the above, but from a low.
  • 6B, 5D, Triple Geyser
Easy super confirm, all three geysers connect.
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2



Andy BogardBilly KaneBlue MaryBob WilsonCheng SinzanDuck KingFranco BashGeese HowardHon FuJin ChonreiJin ChonshuJoe HigashiKim KaphwanLaurence BloodLi XiangfeiMai ShiranuiRick StrowdRyuji YamazakiSokaku MochizukiTerry BogardTung Fu RueWolfgang Krauser