-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XI/Ramon
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Normal Moves
- Arm Whip: (close) b/f + C/D
Command Moves
- Triangular Jump: against the wall while jumping, uf
- Headbutt: f + A
- Stealth Drop Kick: df + B
Special Moves
- Rolling Sobat: dp + B/D
- Flying Body Attack: during Rolling Sabat, dp + B/D
- Set-it-off Smack: during Flying Body Attack or Headbutt, down, down + A/C
- Feint Step: qcb + A/C (can be held down)
- Tiger Neck Chancellery: (close) hcf + A/C
- Rope Spin: (close) hch + E
- Somersault: hcf + B/D
- Feint Dash: while running during Somersault, E
- Tiger Lord: qcb + B/D
- Close Chop: While on wall during Tiger Lord, qcf + B/D
- Flying Body Attack: While on wall during Tiger Lord, qcf + A/C
- Pufadora: While on wall with Tiger Lord, qcb + A/C
- Feint Dash: during Tiger Lord, E
Desperation Moves
- Tiger Spin: (close) hcb, hcb + A/C
- El Diablo Amarillo Ramon: qcb, hcf + B/D
- Savage Fire Cat: while on wall with Tiger Lord: qcb, hcf + E
Leader Desperation Moves
- Tiger Combination: (close) hcb, hcb + E
- Flying Mayar: during Tiger Combination, qcb + E
- Arm Whip: during Flying Mayar, qcf + E
- Tiger Spin: during Arm Whip, hcb + E