-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XIII/Kyo Kusanagi/Combos
(3) = The number of hits needed to Drive Cancel
DC = Drive Cancel
HD = HD Activate
HDC = Hyper Drive Cancel
SC = Super Cancel
CH = Counter Hit
MC = Max Cancel
- 2Bx1~2, 5B => A 3-hit low starter. It's best to use just one 2B into 5B if it connects at the maximum distance in which his 2A may whiff. You cannot cancel his 5B into 3D which decreases its damage output, but you can connect either of his 623P's, his 236B and 63214K.
- 2B, 2A, 3D (1) => A 3-hit starter which begins with a low attack and ends with a low attack. The 3D on first hit is cancel-able into many of his special moves which extends his the combo damage output and for starting HD combos. It's very easy to confirm into, but should not be used as a blockstring against an opponent with meter stocked for risk of a Guard Cancel AB/Roll punish. If the opponent does not have meter, a full blockstring of 2B, 2A, 3D (no cancel) or 2B, 2A, 3D (1), 236A can be used to create more space between you and the opponent both mid-screen and in the corner.
- cl.C, 3D (1) => A 2-hit beginning with a mid attack. The 5C is rather hard to confirm into because of it's speed which makes it an ideal starter for punishing moves at a close range or frame-trapping after a blocked 2B or a 5B.
- 2B, cl.C, 3D (1) => 2B to 5C is a tough link but it adds a low attack at the start and a bit more damage towards whatever you end the combo with. The 2B must be landed very close in order for the cl.C to activate rather than a f.C.
Note: A jump or hop attack can be added on to many of these combos for added damage, if not noted. Besides starting the combos with cl.C, 3D (1), alternatively you can start with a 2B, 2A, 3D (1)
Midscreen Combos
0 Stock
No Stock, No Drive Gauge
2Bx1~2, 5B, 63214K = 218 dmg
- A easy combo to learn which is low hit confirm into a hard knockdown. Be sure to get the s. B into hcb+K down as consistently as you can or else the hcb+K might come out too late and get blocked. Builds around 45% of meter.
2B, 2A, 3D (1), 236D, 63214K = 245 dmg
- This is another very essential combo to learn and use in battle, and the timing isn't as tight as the s.B to hcb+K cancel. It does more damage and builds more meter (around 50% of stock) than the combo above. Builds around 50% of meter.
2B, 2A, 3D (1), 236D, 421D = 232 dmg, 49% mg, 40% opmg
- Does a bit less damage than the combo above, and builds 50% of the stock meter.
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421D = 261 dmg, 50% mg, 45% opmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 63214K = 275 dmg, 55% mg, 45% opmg
- Compared to the 421D ending combo above this one, this combo is more important. It does more damage and builds more meter (around 55% of stock).
CH j.CD, 63214K = 261 dmg
- An easy confirm off a counter hit j.CD.
No Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 63214K, (DC) 236K, 421D = 277 dmg, 60% mg, 45% opmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 63214K, (DC) 236K, 63214K = 290 dmg, 60% mg, 45% opmg
2Bx1~2, 5B, 623C (1), (DC) 236D, 421D = 295 dmg, 70% mg, 50% opmg
2Bx1~2, 5B, 623C (1), (DC) 236D, 63214D = 307 dmg, 75% mg, 50% opmg
- From a low attack, this combo ending in 63214D is most damaging and builds close to 70% meter.
CH j.CD, 63214K, 421D = 266 dmg
1 Stock
1 Stock, No Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 2141236P = 287 dmg, 10% mg, 40% opmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 421BD = 334 dmg, 40% mg, 50% opmg
- Good combo to carry your opponent to the corner and grants you a hard knock down.
CH j.CD, 421BD = 308 dmg
CH j.CD, 2141236+P = 311 dmg
- You'll have to hit the 421BD and the 2141236P on time or else it will whiff.
1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
2Bx1~2, 5B, 623C (1), (DC) 236D, 2141236P = 346 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421D (2), (SC in air) 2141236P = 338 dmg
CH j.CD, 421D (DC), air 2141236P = 339 dmg
2 Stocks
2 Stock, No Drive Gauge
2Bx2, 5B, 236B, 2141236AC = 412 dmg
- A very easy, swift and damaging 2 bar combo that starts from a low attack. Highly recommended to learn.
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 2141236AC = 452 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 421B, 2141236AC (hold briefly) = 464 dmg, 50% mp, 65% opmg
- This combo requires you to charge the EX Orochinagi very briefly to get it out in 2 frames in order to work.
2 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
2Bx1~2, 5B, 623C (1), 236D, 421B, 2141236AC = 461 dmg
3 Stocks
3 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
j.C, cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236236AC = 550 dmg
Corner Combos
- A majority of these combos do not work on backturned opponents.
0 Stock
0 Stock, No Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 623C = 312 dmg, 75% mg, 49% opmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A = 304 dmg, 80% mg, 49% opmg
- Instead of ending the combo with 623A, alternatively you can end with cl.C for a reset
0 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (DC) 236D, 421B, 623C = 381 dmg
0 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D(1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (1), (DC) 236D, 421B, 623C (1), (DC) 421D = 414 dmg
cl.C, 3D(1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (1), (DC) 236D, 421B, 623(1), (DC) 236D, (wait), 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A = 419 dmg (builds almost 2 stocks)
cl.C, 3D(1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (1), (DC) 236D, 421B, 623A (1), (DC) 236D, (wait), 421B, 236B, 623C = 377 dmg
cl.C, 3D(1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (1), (DC) 236D, 421B, 623C (1), (DC) 63214K = 422 dmg
1 Stock
1 Stock, No Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421BD = 362 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623AC = 364 dmg
1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, (SC in air) 2141236P, 421B, 623C = 425 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, (SC in air) 2141236P, 236A, 63214D = 459 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (2),(SC) air 2141236A, 63214D = 461 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 623A (1) (DC), 236D, TK 2141236P, 236B, 421B, 623C = 473 dmg
- Builds back 1 and 1/4th stock. The TK 2141236P which should be inputted as 214hcf,uf+P
1 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
j.2C, cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (DC) 236BD, (wait) 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (DC) 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A = 463 dmg, 105 stun, builds back 1.1 stock
- A long combo that deals a lot of stun. If you happen to convert off of a reset, go for this combo to get a stun.
2 Stocks
2 Stock, No Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, TK 2141236AC, 421B, 236B, 623C = 517 dmg
- The input for the tiger knee EX Orochinagi is 21412369AC
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, TK 2141236AC, 236A, 63214D = 521 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, TK 2141236AC, 236A, 236B, 623C = 530 dmg
- The TK 2141236AC must be done as early as possible.
2 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421Bx2, (SC) 2141236P, 421B, 623AC = 470 dmg
2Bx2, 5B, 236B, 623A (2) (SC) 2141236AC, 236Ax2, 421D = 503 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, (SC) 2141236AC, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A = 512 dmg (builds 1 stock back)
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (SC), 236D, TK 2141236AC, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A = 513 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, (SC) 2141236AC, (wait), 236A, 63214K = 526 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, TK 2141236AC, 236A, 421B, 623A (1) (DC), 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A = 572 dmg (601 dmg with j.C, builds around 1 and 1/4th of meter)
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, TK 2141236AC, 236A, 421B, 623A (1) (DC), 236D, 421B, 236B, 623C = 577 dmg (605 dmg with j.C)
CH j.CD, 421D (2) (DC), air 2141236AC, (land), 63214K = 549 dmg
- can be started near the corner too
2 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421Bx2, (SC) 2141236P, 421B, (SC) 2141236P = 472 dmg
cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, (SC) 2141236P, 421D (2), (SC) 2141236P, 63214K = 509 dmg
cl.C, 3D, (1) 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, (SC) 2141236AC, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (DC) 236D, 421B, 623C = 547 dmg (builds 1 and 3/4ths stock back)
cl.C, 3D, (1) 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A (DC), 214D, TK 2141236AC, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (DC) 236D, 421B, 623C = 548 dmg
3 Stocks
3 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge
2B, 2A, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, (SC in air) 2141236P, (421B), 2141236AC = 445 dmg
j.C, cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 421B, (SC) air 2141236P, 2141236AC = 604 dmg
cl.C, 3D, (1) 236D, 421B, 236B, 421B, (SC) 2141236AC, 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (DC) 236D, air 2141236P = 616 dmg
Hyper Drive Combos
Common HD starters
- cl.C, 3D, (BC) => Packs a lot of damage, and rather easy to confirm into when you use both of the hits of the 3D, then activate with the second hit. If the whole string is blocked, some characters may have the ability to punish him, so be careful.
- 2B, 2A, 3D (BC) => Similar in concept with his cl.C, 3D starter but starting with a low attack. Really easy 4 hit confirm into activation but has less damage that starting with cl.C.
- 6B, (BC) => Second strongest HD starter in terms of damage, but not by too much. It's an overhead attack into HD which is a rather powerful mix-up option, but it is pretty hard to confirm into because it is a single hit.
0 Stock
(1) (corner) cl.C, 3D, [BC] cl.C, 3D, 236D, 421B, [623C (HDC) 421B]x3, 623A [HDC], 236D, 421B, 236B, 623C = 541 dmg
(2) (corner) cl.C, 3D, [BC] cl.C, 3D, 236D, [421B, 623A, 236D]x3, 421B, 236B, 623C = 492 dmg
1 Stock
(1) (corner) cl.C, 3D, [BC] cl.C, 3D, 236D, 421B, (623C (1), [HDC] 421B)x3, 623A, 236D, [HDC] 421B, (SC in air) 2141236P, (wait) 421B, 236B, 623C = 621 dmg
2 Stocks
(1) (anywhere) cl.C, 3D, [BC] 5D, 623A, (HDC) 421B, [623A, (HDC) 63214B (whiff)] x4, 623C, 236236AC = 699 dmg
- Switches sides every time after 63214B if done midscreen
(2) (anywhere) cl.C, 3D, [BC] 5D, 623A, (HDC) 421B, [623C, (HDC) 421B, 623A, (HDC) 63214B (whiff)] x2, 623C, [HDC] 421B, 623A, [HDC] 236236AC = 747 dmg
- An advanced version of (1) that deals more damage
(3) (midscreen) cl.C, 3D (2), [BC] cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 63214K, (HDC) 623A, (HDC) 236D, (wait) 421B, 236B, 421B, 623A, (HDC) 236D, 421B, 623C, (HDC) qcf~236AC = 685 dmg
(4) (midscreen) cl.C, 3D (2), [BC] cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 63214K, (HDC) 623A, (HDC) 236D, (wait) 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x2, 623C, (HDC) 236236AC = 707 dmg
(5) (corner) cl.C, 3D, [BC] cl.C, 3D, 236D, 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x3, 623A (1), (SC) 236236AC = 730 dmg
(6) (corner) cl.C, 3D, [BC] 5D, 236D, 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x3, 623A (1), 236D, 63214K, (SC) 236236AC = 750 dmg
(7) (corner) cl.C, 3D(2),[BC] 5D, 623A(HDC), 421B, [623C (1), (HDC)421B]x2, 623A (HDC), 421B, 623C, (HDC), 421B, 623C,(HDC) 236236AC = 790 dmg (819 starting with j.C)
(8) (Anywhere) (j.C) cl.C, 3D(2),[BC] 5D, 623C, (HDC) 236D, 63214D, (HDC), 421B, 623C, (HDC) 63214D, (HDC) 421B, 623C, (HDC) 421B, 623C, (HDC) 236236AC = 779 dmg
3 Stocks
(1) (corner) cl.C, 3D (2), [BC] cl.C, 3D (2), 236D, 421B, [SC in air] 2141236P, 236A, 236236AC = 690 dmg
(2) (midscreen) cl.C, 3D (2), [BC] 5D, 236C, [HDC] 2141236P, [MC] 236236AC = 717 dmg
- omit 236C for an easier combo with slightly less damage
(3) (corner) cl.C, 3D, [BC] 5D, 236D, 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x3, 623A (1), 236D, 2141236P, (MC) 236236AC = 827 dmg
(4) (corner) cl.C, [BC], 5D, 623A (1), (HDC) 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x2, 623A (1), (HDC) 2141236P, 623A (1), (HDC) 421B, 623C (1), 236236AC = 873 dmg
4 Stocks
(1) (midscreen) cl.C, 3D (2), [BC], 5D, 2141236AC, (MC) 236236AC = 743 dmg
(2) (midscreen) cl.C, 3D (2), [BC], cl.C, 3D (1), 236D, 63214K, (HDC) 623A, (HDC) 236D, (wait), 421B, (SC) 2141236AC, 236A, 236236AC = 748 dmg
- omit the 236A if you dont even up close to the corner)
(3) (corner) j.C, cl.C, 3D, [BC] 5D, 236D, 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x3, (SC in air) 2141236AC, 236A, 63214K, (HDC) 236236AC = 891 dmg
(4) (corner) j.C, cl.C, 3D, [BC] cl.C, 3D, 236D, 421B, [623C (1), (HDC) 421B]x3, 623A, (SC in air) 2141236A, 214236A, (HDC) 236236AC = 922 dmg
(5) (corner) 5D, [BC], 5D, 623A (1), (HDC) 421B, [623A (1), (HDC)(slightly charged and standing) 2141236A/C]x2, 623A (1),(HDC) 421B, 623C(1),(HDC) 421B, 623C(1), (HDC) 236236AC = 1001 dmg