-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XIII/Kyo Kusanagi/Strategy
Far Range
- Kyo can't do much of anything here except zone, use Yamibarai (qcf+P) to try and build some meter while your out of range, and if your opponent wants to zone back try throwing out a random EX as they're not likely to see it coming, drive and super canceling is out the window for now, random Kotokskio's aren't a good idea either by the way. At this range it would be better to counter jump-in's with your neutral j.D because of it's great horizontal hitbox, and his dp+C only against superjumps.
- If you have enough meter for his NeoMax, you can use it to punish full screen fireball zoners or even to anti-air against hyper hops or jumps from that distance.
Mid Range
- This is a range where you will need to be careful both offensive while even moreso defensively. Proper jump-ins to use are his j.D for air-to-air, j.CD/j.B for to apply hop pressure, and fade away jumpback j.Cs against opponents jumping in. If you spot any sloppy or predicable jump-ins you can tag them with his dp+A or his crouching C which is a safer alternative (which may be prone to trading or becoming beaten out if not timed correctly). He has difficultly defending against incoming hop pressure because his st.A lacks horizontal range, and he doesn't have a great long ranged st. B like Benimaru. It is not impossible to stop incoming hops with his standing jab, but its lack of distance makes it unreliable.
Close Range
- Kyo can use his Naraku Otoshi (j.2C) to start BnB's/Combos from jump-ins, he can also free cancel the first hit of 88 Shiki (df+D) into a variety of moves (Kotokskio/Kai/etc), he gains a command grab with EX Kotokskio, just about every option of drive/super canceling is open to him now. He can lightly zone with his st.D which has lower body invincibility, has a good amount of pushback on block but has slow start-up. You will probably be poking most with his cr.B fishing for a hit confirm for a combo, but stay on alert for hop attacks to counter it. If you have the meter both in super stocks and drive, try one of his midscreen HD combos for some good damage if you punish anything or score a random hit with his cr.B or st.C.
Cornered Opponent
- Even though Kyo's pressure isn't as intense as NESTS Kyo because of is qcf+A rekka, it is best to use his grounds normals to keep them locked down in the corner (ie. cr.B, cr.A, close C) while waiting in between for any reversals. After his block strings its okay to end them into qcf+P (for pushback) but it isn't foolproof against Guard Rolling. His j.2C and j.CD is very strong in this area which can give the opponent a good amount of block stun to keep them locked while you alternate in-between high/low and empty jump pressure. Any hit landed should score into a damaging combo, another hard knockdown to keep the okizeme game intense, or a reset that leads to high/low/grab mixups.
- Be patient, block and wait for any unsafe moves from the opponent or any kind of decrease of offensive attempts. Move out slowly and try your best not to dp while you leaving the corner. Don't mash any EX moves (like rdp+BD) but you can be risky whip out dp+AC against any incoming jump-ins or hop pressure if you're desperate to leave the corner.
Wall Reset
1.) s.C (or cr.B, cr.A), df+D, qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, s.C
The stand C resets them briefly mid-air at neutral hop level. You can use this to bait a reversal, hit them with a low attack (cr.B) or an overhead (either f+B or a hop j.B, j.2C), or throw them a normal throw or his EX hcb+K.
Frame Traps and Links
- (L) = Link, can be a frame trap as well.
- "(n) frame gap" = The amount of frames that opponent has to counter a frame trap.
1.) st. A > cl. C (L) - 0 frame gap between st. A and cl. C. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima when they are in guard position.
2.) st. A > cr. C - 2 frame gap between st. A and cr. C. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima when they are in guard position.
3.) cr. A > cl. C (L) - 2 frame gap between cr. A and cl. C.
4.) cr. A > cr. C - 4 frame gap between cr. A and cr. C.
5.) st. B > cl. C - 4 frame gap between st. B and cl. C.
6.) cr. B > cl. C (L) - 2 frame gap between cr. B and cl. C.
7.) cr. B > cr. C - 4 frame gap between cr. B and cr. C.
8.) qcf+AC > st. B - 1 frame gap between qcf+AC and st. B.
9.) qcf+AC > st. D - 3 frame gap between qcf+AC and st. D.
10.) qcf+AC > cr. D - 3 frame gap between qcf+AC and cr. D.
11.) qcf+AC > df+D - 4 frame gap between qcf+AC and df+D.
12.) qcf+BD > st. A - 4 frame gap between qcf+BD and st. A. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima when they are in guard position.
13.) qcf+BD > cr. A - 4 frame gap between qcf+BD and cr. A.
14.) qcf+BD > cr. B - 3 frame gap between qcf+BD and cr. B
15.) qcf+BD > cl. C - 2 frame gap between qcf+BD and cl. c.
16.) qcf+BD > cr. C - 4 frame gap between qcf+BD and cr. C.
Evading certain moves with df+D, cr. B, and cr. D
Kyo's df+D, cr. B, and cr.D gives him a rather low profile which can be useful to evade certain projectiles, special moves, normals and command moves.
1.) Andy's qcb+A with df+D, cr. B, or cr. D. His qcb+C can only be evaded with df+D
2.) Ash's b~f+A with df+D, b~f+C with df+D, cr. B, and cr.D, b~f+AC with df+D
3.) Saiki's qcf+A & qcfx2+P with df+D
4.) Robert's qcf+P with df+D
5.) DouLon's f+A with df+D, cr.D
6.) K's qcf+A~f+A with df+D and qcf+C~f+A
7.) King's qcf+K, ex qcf+K, & qcfx2+K with df+D
8.) Athena's qcb+P & ex qcb+P with df+D
9.) Takuma's qcf+P & qx qcf+AC with df+D
Best Team Position?
- Kyo functions the best either as point or 2nd. As a point character, Kyo is excellent in building (and spending) meter. Your opponent also lacks meter to deal with Kyo’s rush down. Kyo also functions well in second position, you gain access to EX orochinagi which is one of the best, if not the best, reversal moves. In addition, you could also go for overhead into HD shenanigans for good damage. Kyo works fine as anchor, but doesn’t perform the job as well compared to many other characters. He lacks reliable touch of death HD combos, especially in mid-screen.
Character Matchups
Andy Bogard
- Punish light elbows (db~f+A) with st.D, EX dp, or EX orochinagi.
Ash Crimson
- Pay attention to whether Ash is buffering his Sans Coulette before jumping in.
Athena Asamiya
- f+B on block can be punished with qcf+AC or qcfx2+AC while she descends.
Benimaru Nikaido
- Qcf+A on block can only be punished by the 2 frame Orochinagi (qcb~hcf+AC charged briefly), or his hcb+BD command throw.
- His qcf+C on block, at max close range midscreen can be punished by Kyo's stand B, dp+AC, 2 frame Orochinagi (qcb~hcf+AC charged briefly) and his NeoMax. Any distance farther grants Benimaru safety (example: after 2 crouching B's). In the corner (either Benimaru or Kyo), it is more punishable because of the slight pushback Kyo gains.
- Punish Beni's air d.D with dp+C Oniyaki (dp+A and s.C will result in a hit trade)
- Punish Beni's hop j.D with s.C, cr.C, dp+A, or rdp+b
- Beni's dp+D will beat out all versions of Kyo's dp+P series except for EX Oniyaki DP).
Billy Kane
- Punish his EX dp by holding forward, hit him immediately as he lands.
Chin Gentsai
- Watch out for Chin’s EX roll when throwing fireballs. Try to mix in empty hops in your game to bait out counters.
- Punish Chin’s overhead with a dp on block. Even better yet, just dp him when you see the overhead animation, in case he feints the overhead.
Clark Still
- Any of Clark's b~f+P moves and his EX version can be punished Kyo's dp+A/C, dp+AC, rdp+BD, and qcb~hcf+AC. If Clark is close to you after you blocked the b~f+P, you can also punish with st.C followed by a full combo.
- If you get caught by Clark’s armor on the B version of SAB, you could potentially salvage the situation by immediately canceling into qcf+D, which beats out Clark’s grab and launches him into the air.
Duo Lon
- Kyo's s.A, dp+A Oniyaki, and rdp+B will out prioritize Duo's f+A move. (If the player uses s.A too close to Duo while his f+A is executed this will result in a hit trade instead).
- Kyo's d.B, s.C, or a EX HCB+K can punish teleport attempts and provide meaty attacks.
- A preemptive j.CD from Duo will beat out Kyo's j.d.C command move
- Duo's regular DM will go through most of Kyo's attacks, even his projectile. It is possible to hit Duo out of his DM during his active movement with s.B and CD but it will result in a hit trade.
- Try to space Kyo two characters away from Duo to emphasize on normals and punish combos.
- Punish Duo's j.f+B and jump-in's with s.C, cr.C, and dp+A. EX rdp+K helps thanks to its slight invulnerability start up.
- Duo Lon’s rekka > B teleport could be punished by EX orochinagi. To do so, you need to input the motion backwards while you are in block stun of the rekka, and once Duo Lon cancels into teleport, hold down AC briefly and let go when the screen goes dark. Alternatively, rdp+B and EX rdp+K also works.
Elisabeth Branctorche
- Her dp+A and dp+C on block can be punished by dp+AC. Dp+C can be punished by his his dp+A, or his NeoMax.
- Her dp+AC can be punished by Kyo's qcb~hcf+AC, rdp+B, rdp+BD and his dp+AC.
- Her qcf+P can eat up his fireballs, except for his EX version.
Goro Daimon
- Watch out for earthquakes when throwing fireballs full screen.
Hwa Jai
- Try to stand block his dragon tails if possible. When you block high, the dragon tails have less frame advantage and fewer chances to cross up.
Iori Yagami (Claw)
- His block strings that ends in qcb+C is -2 on block and work as frame traps, but there is a gap before qcb+C comes out that you can mash a dp, or GC roll for a full punish.
Iori Yagami (Flame)
- Iori’s rekka (1st and 2nd hit) could be punished with an EX orochinagi.
- Be careful when trying to safe jump EX Iori, as his EX command grab beats most safe jump set ups.
Joe Higashi
- Try not to engage in fireball wars with him. Approach him slowly, and keep him in the corner.
- Be patient when being cornered. K’ will attempt to frametrap you all day long in the corner. If you have meter, you can GC roll out of the corner.
Kim Kaphwan
- Use cr.A to beat Kim’s far standing D.
- Do not jump at him on his wakeup. His EX Flash Kick (EX d~u+K) beats everything and is hard to safe jump.
- Slowly walk her into the corner and pay attention to how she attempts to get out. Keep her in the corner and be careful of her reversals.
Kula Diamond
- Kula’s B Ray spin could be punished by a DP if blocked up close. The dp will hit regardless of what follow up (if any) Kula does.
Kyo Kusanagi (XIII) (mirror match)
Kyo Kusanagi (NESTS)
- Tough matchup for Kyo. NEST Kyo has better normals than Kyo, and his rekkas gives him better space control. Fortunately, regular Kyo has superior damage output, so play the match carefully, wait for mistakes, and punish accordingly.
Leona Heidern
- Walk forward and block when Leona throws her ear ring at mid to far range.
- Watch out for Leona’s instant overhead.
- Her b~f+D move is neutral on block.
Mai Shiranui
- Another tough match up for Kyo. Mai’s excellent normal shuts down Kyo’s hop pressure. However, Mai lacks a good reversal, so try to get a knockdown and keep her on defense.
- Her Dp+C move is plus on block if blocked close to the waist, or blocked as a cross up.
- Watch out for her frame traps with qcb+b move.
- Cr.B is your friend, as it beats all but one of maxima’s armored normals. When Maxima starts using cr.C to counter your cr.B, this is the time to hop in.
- Punish C vapor cannon by rolling through it.
- When cornered and knocked down, be very careful to press any buttons as Maxima’s air EX vapor cannon has complete armor until he lands, and he could convert into a full combo on hit.
- Try to abuse j.dC early in the match as much as you could, especially if Raiden is charging with B dropkicks. Raiden’s huge size makes him very easy to cross up, and his inability to roll (since he’s holding down B) doesn’t help. Later on in the match, once Raiden gets a fully charged drop kick, start playing patient, try not to jump if possible. A single jump CD could mean death to you when he has a level 4 drop kick charged!
Ralf Jones
- Try to get a knock down, and rush him down on wake up as he lacks a good reversal.
Robert Garcia
- Watch out for his wall jumps when cornering Robert. One wall jump out of the corner > cross up taco will change the tide of the match.
Ryo Sakazaki
- Watch out for his overhead shenenigans.
GC roll to punish Ryo’s st.C, fireball block string.
- GC roll to punish Saiki’s st.C, fireball block string.
Shen Woo
- Always stand block in the middle of Shen’s block strings.
- Watch for whiffed j.CD and punish with cr.B.
Sie Kensou
- Watch out for a corner grab in the corner, as Kensou can convert his normal grab into huge damage in the corner.
Takuma Sakazaki
- Try not to meet him air to air. His j.CD will beat you most of the time. Instead, punish him with cr.B for any mistimed j.CDs.
- Watch out for command grabs when Takuma is fully loaded with drive gauge.
Mr. Karate
- Similar to Takuma, do not meet him air to air, and watch out for random full screen EX command grabs.
Terry Bogard
- Punish his crack shoots with well-timed cr.Bs which lets you duck under. Also try to stand block crack shoots if possible, crouch guard leaves you at negative frame advantage.
- Always stand block in the middle of Terry’s block strings to guard against EX crack shoot.
- Do not jump at Vice when she is fully loaded with meter. One j.CD from her leads to full HD combos.
Yuri Sakazaki
- Yuri's hcb+BD blocked at close range can be punished by a sweep, st.D, dp+AC, st.B, a briefly charged 2f qcb~hcf+AC, and his NeoMax (qcfx2+AC). If blocked any farther, only the 2f qcb~hcf+AC and NeoMax can only reach and punish Yuri in time.
- Yuri’s st.B, dp+D mixups could be punished with a stand C before her dive kick comes out.