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The King of Fighters XV/Robert Garcia/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
? Standard low light confirm.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
j.X > ? Standard jump-in starter.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


Unless stated otherwise, assume cl.D is hitting for both hits.

When doing midscreen confirms from heavies, Robert can generally get more stun with comparable damage by doing Shatter Strike cancels and using the combo route 0.5 meter below the amount of meter you intended to spend.

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 171 0 Rush combo ending in a special move.
cl.A > A > A > C 233 1 Rush combo ending in a super.
cl.A > A > A > D 335 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super.
cl.A > A > A > A 441 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super.


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
2B*3 > 214D 141 165 0 25% Anywhere Light confirm. You must cancel the 2B fast for the 214D to connect.
2B*3 > 214B 121 145 0 25% Anywhere Using 214B as your ender leaves them standing, which can make it easier to threaten with command grab after.
cl.D > 6B > 214D 224 220 0 30% Anywhere Heavy starter combo. cl.C / 2C have same combo as cl.D.
cl.D > 6A > j.214B, 623C 271 280 0 40% Corner Corner combo. If you try to confirm this and it's blocked, j.214B is safe barring some command grabs, so it's better to cancel. 6A by itself would leave you at universal throw range.
CD, run, 6B > 623C/214D/646D 189/190/195 230/250/130 0 30% Anywhere Uncancelled CD confirm. 214D has better corner carry, 623C is harder to connect but gains more meter. Robert has to start at least mid screen to connect 646D.
CD > 236A/236C 120 160 0 20% Non-Corner A useful cancel that also confirms. This will lead into supers with meter as well. 236C connects at some distance without cancelling CD.
CD, (run), 6B > 236A, 623C/214B 225/213 290 0 40% Near Corner Corner CD confirm. CD is safe enough on it's own, so try to avoid cancelling into fireball near the corner so you can get this confirm. The range on 6B is large enough to where this can connect even if you're a bit of a distance from the corner. When cancelling 6B into 236, if you get 623 too often, input 236 as 2369 instead. 214B has further reach to connect at specific range.
j.214B/D, 623A 126 140 0 25% Corner If the j.214B/D hits very low, you can even get a 623C or 214D after.


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
(2B*3)/(cl.D > 6B) > 214BD, 6B > 646D/623C/214D 223/315 175/230 0.5 30% Anywhere Robert's light and heavy confirms are the same midscreen. The meter build and corner carry is quite nice. You can cancel into 623C at the end instead for just 3 less damage and virtually the same oki and a little more meter build, but could save you on time, since the animation for 646B/D is so long. Also end with delay 214D for even better corner carry.
cl.C/2C > 6A > j.214BD, run, 623C 297 200 0.5 30% Anywhere 6A > j.214BD only works midscreen after a close C normal or one hit of cl.D. This combo is not as strong as the 214BD confirm, but will lead to stronger combos with more meter to work with.
(2B*3)/(cl.D > 6B) > 214BD, 6B > 236A, 623C/214B 250/344 235/295 0.5 35%/45% Near Corner Near corner confirm. Close to refunding the bar used.
cl.D > 6A > j.214B/D, 214BD, 6B > 236A, 623C 384 370 0.5 55% Corner Meter positive corner combo.
CD, run, 6B > 214BD, 646D / run, 623C 233/221 230 0.5 30% Anywhere Midscreen CD confirm, 43 extra damage doesn't worth the meter after CD scaling nerf.
41236BD, 623A 138 60 0.5 20% Anywhere Some extra damage after an EX command grab.
j.214BD, 623C 206 100 0.5 25% Anywhere The number of times you spend meter on j.214BD is rare, but if you do land one, you can always get a 623C after. Sometimes you can get a 6B in there too, but it's height dependent.
2C anti-air / j.D > 646BD 185 70 0.5 10% Anywhere If you're quick you can turn anti-air normals into extra damage. Could follow up with 623a in the corner.
CD, run, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 646B / (623A, 623A) 271/248 320 0.5 35%/49% Near Corner The same use case as 214B follow up.
CD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD > 623A 301 320 0.5 45% Corner Becomes the best CD corner combo route since CD scaling nerf.
CD, j.214B, 214BD, 6B > 236A, 623C 254 350 0.5 48% Corner Useless since CD scaling nerf.
j.CD (Counter), 6B, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 346 350 0.5 35% Corner Very easy to confirm, safe on normal hit or block, high damage. Could delay 6B to add 236A before cl.C (392 damage).
236AC, 6B > 236A, 623C/214D 285/289 100 0.5 30% Corner Could catch the opponent by surprise near the corner.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
(2B*3)/(cl.D > 6B) > 214BD, run, CD > 646BD 255/340 190/250 1 20% Anywhere You can use run cl.C / hop j.D instead of CD for a slightly easier combo for 3 less damage. Not worth the 0.5 meter for extra 30 damage.
cl.D > 6B > 623A > 236214A 339 160 1 30% Anywhere Simple super confirm.
cl.C > 6B > 646D > 236214C 386 160 1 30% Anywhere Deals more damage after the 646B/D scaling buff.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 214BD, 646B/D 389 130 1 35% Anywhere Optimal heavy confirm.
(2B*3)/(cl.D > 6B) > 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 330/422 310 1 45% Corner
cl.D > 6A > j.214B, 214BD > 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 464 400 1 60% Corner Optimal corner 1 bar combo.
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236A, 623C 457 400 1 55% Corner A little less damage & meter than above combo.
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 623A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 453 400 1 55% Corner Almost same as above but more difficult (should go for 1.5 bar instead of super cancel).
CD > 236A, 641236C 237 160 1 20% Non-Corner CD confirm. Easy to hit confirm, but it doesn't worth the meter after CD scaling nerf.
CD, run, 6B > 214BD, run, cl.C > 646BD 289 200 1 25% Anywhere CD is inconsistent after a juggled 214BD, so cl.C will suffice. Follow by 623a in the corner for total 303 damage.
CD, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 236A/623A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 355/348 380 1 49%/55% Near Corner In corner CD combos like this, against smaller characters, you'll have to omit the first 236A and cancel straight into the 214BD. (but it drops to 329 which almost the same as 0.5 bar combo)
CD, j.214D, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 343 380 1 50% Corner Difficult combo to show your skill.
CD, j.214BD, 6B > 623A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 349 380 1 50% Corner Difficult combo to show your skill.
j.CD (Counter), 6B, 214BD, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 429 350 1 40% Corner Safe on normal hit or block, high damage. 214BD could drop sometimes, could delay 6B to add 236A before 214BD (474 damage).
236CD, 6B > 646B/D 251 30 1 75% Anywhere Shatter Strike confirm. If the Shatter Strike hits airborne, use 623C instead for consistency. In general your Shatter Strike combos will match your uncancelled CD combos.
236CD, 6B > 236A, 623C 297 190 1 80% Corner Your corner Shatter Strike combos will match your CD corner combos.
41236BD, 5A > 646BD > 623A 209 60 1 20% Corner For some reason, 623A juggle only works after a 5A into 646BD, and not with 2A.
(2B*3)/(cl.D > 6B) > 214BD, 6B > 646B/D > 236214C 322/417 120/130 1.5 35% Anywhere 646B/D cancel window is improved.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 236A > 236214A/C 447 190 1.5 20% Anywhere Previous max midscreen damage with 1.5 bar.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 646D > 236214C 463 190 1.5 35% Anywhere Max midscreen damage with 1.5 bar, cl.C needs to be near to connect.
2B*3 > 214BD, 6B > 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 364 310 1.5 45% Corner Only extra 34 damage than the 1 meter combo.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 488 380 1.5 55% Near Corner Need to delay 6B such that 236A doesn't whiff.
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 539 380 1.5 60% Corner bread and butter corner high damage combo.
CD, run, 6B > 214BD, 646B/D > 236214C 332 130 1.5 30% Anywhere Not worth the meter, 6B needs to connect near the opponent.
CD, j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 397 380 1.5 49% Corner This was the max damage from a corner CD (scaling nerf it from 469 to 397). The further back your opponent was from the corner when the CD hits, the higher you can do the j.214BD. You may need to do it higher for the extra horizontal range. These combos do not work after a Shatter Strike.
CD, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 371 380 1.5 50% Corner Alternate corner CD route which works from Shatter Strike as well. Remember to omit 236A on smaller characters.
CD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A, 2363214C 400 380 1.5 40% Corner The new corner CD 1.5 bar combo, only worth extra 1 bar if it kills.
41236BD, 623A > 236214A/C 258 60 1.5 20% Anywhere Overall the best combo after ex command grab.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
(QM) 2B*3/(cl.D > 6B) > BC, cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 236A > 236214A/C 360/457 280/290 2 10% Non-Corner 1000 Max Guage combo. Best use of meter midscreen.
(QM) 2B*3/(cl.D > 6B) > BC, cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 214BD, 6B > 236A > 236214A/C 381/480 280/290 2 10% Anywhere 1500 Max Guage combo.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 214BD, 646D > 236214C 509 130 2 35% Anywhere Max mid screen 2 bar damage after the 646D scaling buff.
2B*3 > 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 429 310 2 35% Near Corner Bread and butter corner combo from low attack.
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A 568 380 2 55% Corner Only 29 damage more than the 1.5 bar version.
(QM) 2B*3 > BC, cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 623A/C > 236214C 374 310 2 10% Corner 1000 and 1250 Max Guage corner combo. Less damaging than the non-QM confirms. (429)
(QM) 2B*3 > BC, cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236AC, 236A, 623A/C > 236214C 411 310 2 10% Corner 1500 Max Guage corner combo. Less damaging than the non-QM confirms. (429)
CD > 236A, 641236AC 325 160 2 15% Non-Corner Weaker but safe CD confirm. Not worth the meter after CD scaling nerf.
CD, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 454 380 2 50% Corner Remember to omit 236A on smaller characters (damage reduce to 428), or change the first 236A to 236AC to get almost same damage (455).
2B*3 > 214BD, 6B > 646B/D > 236214AC/641236AC 390/381 120 2.5 35% Anywhere This combo is only marginally stronger than your 2 Bar combo with Quick Max, but much harder as the cancel from 646B/D must be done as late as possible, around the apex of your opponent's launch, or else the super will whiff. Overall not worth it but could be useful to know the cancel.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 236A > 236214AC 551 190 2.5 25% Non-Corner Robert's only efficient use of 2.5 meter midscreen. Otherwise use your 2 meter combos by themselves or after a Shatter Strike cancel.
2B*3 > 214BD, 6B > 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 463 310 2.5 40% Corner Only 34 more damage than 2 bar version.
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 638 380 2.5 55% Corner Disproprotionally strong corner combo for the meter spent.
CD, run, 6B > 214BD, 646D > 641236AC 391 190 2.5 20% Anywhere Need to delay cancel 646D, not quite worth the meter. 6B needs to connect near the opponent.
41236BD, 623A > 641236AC 330 60 2.5 20% Anywhere More damage than 2363214AC (324).
CD, j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 496 380 2.5 49% Corner Difficult to land but only 42 more damage than 2 bar version.
CD, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 470 380 2.5 49% Corner Only 16 more damage than 2 bar version.

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
(QM) 2B*3/(cl.D > 6B) > BC, cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 236A > 214236CD 464/567 220/230 3 10% Anywhere 1000 Max confirm. Microdash 623A/C is technically possible instead of 6B after j.214BD, but the timing to both connect the 623A/C low enough and properly cancel into the Climax is not worth it for the extra damage.
(QM) 2B*3/(cl.D > 6B) > BC, cl.C > 6B > 623A > 236214A/C > 214236CD 522/624 250/260 3 10% Anywhere 1250 Max confirm. Using cl.C instead of cl.D after the Quick Max saves Max timer to fit the super and Climax. At 1500 Max Guage, use cl.D after the Quick Max instead.
(QM) 2B*3 > BC, cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 623C > 214236CD 506 310 3 10% Corner 1000 corner Max confirm.
2B*3 > 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214AC 497 310 3 45% Corner Only slightly weaker than the 1000 Max combo, but builds nearly half a bar.
(QM) 2B*3 > BC, cl.D > 6A > j.214B/D, 623A/C > 236214A/C > 214236CD 547 330 3 10% Corner 1500 Max confirm. At 1250, just use the midscreen confirm.
cl.C > 6B > 646D > 236214C > 641236AC 642 310 3 10% Anywhere more than QM combos, but 646D doesn't connect from cl.D start. If ends with climax is 594 damage.
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 667 380 3 55% Corner Adds on a 236AC to the 2.5 bar corner combo for 29 extra damage.
CD, run, 6B > 236C/646D > 236214C > 641236AC 454/490 190 3 20% Anywhere 646D only connects when Robert stands further than mid screen.
(QM) CD, run, 6B > BC, 236C > 236214A > 214236CD 482 190 3 20% Anywhere At least 1250 Max confirm.
(QM) CD, 6B > BC, 236A, 623C > 236214A > 214236CD 517 190 3 20% Corner At least 1250 Max confirm.
CD, j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214A/C 511 380 3 49% Corner Only 15 extra damage than 2.5 bar version.
CD, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214AC 522 380 3 49% Corner Skipping the first 236A will be 496 damage.
cl.C > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > 236A/C > 236214A/C > 641236AC 669 190 3.5 20% Non-Corner
(QM) 2B*3 > 214BD, 6B > BC, 236A, 623A/C > 236214A/C > 214236CD 547 240 3.5 20% Corner Just 25 more damage than the 3 bar version 1250 QM combo, but much better than non-QM combo (487 damage)
(QM) cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 6B > BC, 236A, 623C > 236214A/C > 214236CD 708 250 3.5 15% Corner Delay the 236A slightly. You can whiff cancel a 2D to make the timing easier if that works for you. ??
CD, run, 6B > 214BD, 646D > 641236C > 236214AC 490 190 3.5 30% Anywhere Only 8 extra damage for 0.5 bar.
CD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214C > 641236AC 558 380 3.5 40% Near Corner Best corner CD 3.5 bar combo.
CD, j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214AC 564 380 3.5 49% Corner Very little damage increase but more likely to drop.
CD, 6B > 236A, 214BD, 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 236214AC 538 380 3.5 49% Corner Not optimal combo.
(QM) CD, 214BD, 6B > BC, 236A, 623C > 2363214C > 214236CD 533 380 3.5 15% Near Corner Not optimal combo.
41236BD, 623A > 236214A/C > 641236AC 433 60 3.5 15% Anywhere Command grab combo. If ends with climax is only 386 damage.
(QM) 41236BD, 2A > BC, 646BD, 623A > 214236CD 443 90 3.5 5% Corner Only 10 more damage than the above. Letting Robert run for a little after the Quick Max is what allows the 623A to connect here. Input 623A as early as possible and hold the button to have more time to input the Climax.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
(QM) 2B*3/(cl.D > 6B) > BC, cl.C > 623A > 641236AC > 214236CD 596/723 220 4 10% Anywhere 1250 Max Guage combo. Leaving out the 6B after the Quick Max improves the scaling. Remember to use cl.D instead of cl.C at 1500 Guage.
41236BD, 623A > 236214C > 214236CD 493 60 4.5 15% Anywhere Max damage for command grab.
(QM) cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 236AC, 6B > BC, 236A, 623A > 236214C > 214236CD 783 310 4.5 25% Corner
(RM) j.D, cl.D > 6A > j.214D, 623C, 236214C > 641236AC > 214236CD 1003 310 4 45% Corner Raw max TOD combo.

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
(QM) cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > BC, 236A, 623A > 641236AC > 214236CD 815 310 5 25% Corner
cl.D > 6A > j.214BD, 236A, 214BD, 6B > 236AC, 236A, cl.C > 646BD, 623A > 641236C > 641236AC 825 310 5 35% Corner Robert's highest damage without raw max activation. A litter more than cl.D > 6A > j.214D, 623C > 641236AC > 214236CD (806). If begins with j.D, total damage is 861.

External Links

Robert Garcia Combos by Meno
The King of Fighters XV - Robert Garcia Combo Guide by Rooflemonger


The King of Fighters XV

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