-Happy New Year 2025!

The King of Fighters XIV/Meitenkun

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(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK


Feint Makura - close / +  

Makura Bomb - close / +

Command Normals

Nezou Rangeki  - +

Special Moves

Makura Nage - + / (*)

Sen-Siss Hou - charge briefly then + /  (*)

Sen-Siss Hou (Follow Up) [Sen-Siss Hou] /

Geki Hou - charge briefly then + /  (*)

Ressen Kyaku - in air, + / (*)

Super Special Moves

Chou Geki Hou - + / (!)

Hakuchuu Musou - + / (!)

Climax Super Special Moves

Daimeiten Hou - +

Quick Combo Reference

Quick Combo Reference

Notation Key (place notation here)

0 Meter

Low, Anywhere
Low, Anywhere

(Combo 1) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 2) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 3) = (damage number here) = 231 dmg

1 Meter

Low, Anywhere

(Combo 1) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 2) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 3) = (damage number here) dmg

2 Meters Anywhere (Combo 1) = (damage number here) dmg

Gameplay Overview



  • st. A (-1F): Meitenkun throws out a soft looking swipe. Can be used to stop incoming hops at a close range. Is Super (MAX) and Climax cancel-able only.
  • st. B (-1F): This very quick sliding toe kick hits low & can't chain or cancel into anything. It also moves Meitenkun forward a bit.
  • st. C (-6F): A very strong & fast pillow swing. Covers a great horizontal distance, & is special, whiff, and command cancel-able.
  • st. D (1F): This side kick has very brief lower body invincible during the start, moves Meitenkun forward, & can be used as an preemptive anti-air. Is Super (MAX) and Climax cancel-able only.


  • cl. A (+2F): A cancel-able elbow that can be chain into cr. A, cr. B & st. B.
  • cl. B (0F): This kick aimed at the opponent's mid-section is cancel-able.
  • cl. C (-4F): Meitenkun hugs his pillow while delivering a fierce headbutt that is cancel-able.
  • cl. D (-8F): This cancel-able heavy kick deals more damage than cl. C & can be used to stop opponents from jumping over you.


  • cr. A (+2F): This decently ranged crouching light punch can be chained easily into cr. A, cr. B, st. B, and cl. B. It is cancel-able and strangely whiff cancel-able as well.
  • cr. B (+1F): This crouching kick doesn't slide against the ground like most crouching light kicks but has decent range & speed. Can be easily chained into cr. A, cl. B, cl. A, st. A, st. B and is special cancel-able. Hits low.
  • cr. C (-6F): Meitenkun sweeps the opponent with his pillow. Great range, decent speed & is special cancel-able. Hits low and it can be whiff canceled as well.
  • cr. D (-2F): This crouching heavy kick can be used as an anti-air at a close to mid-range. It can be canceled into Specials (MAX) and Climax.


  • j. A: This jumping punch has a downward angle that can used as a jump-in attack, and is special cancel-able.
  • j. B: A horizontal kick that can be used in air-to-air situations. Can be low profiled by very low sweeps and crouching light kicks if timed improperly. Special cancel-able.
  • j. C: Can be used either in air-to-air situations or air-to-ground if performed low to the ground.
  • j. D: This jumping heavy kick is almost similar to jumping C in range and applicable use.


  • st. CD: Meitenkun flips his pillow quickly, catches it, then horizontally thrusts it at the opponent. Great range, speed & is whiff cancel-able.
  • j. CD: Meitenkun curls up into a ball while in the air. Great air-to-air attack and now a great air-to-ground attack as well.


Feint Makura - (b/f+C) close

  • Meitenkun toss the opponent his pillow, then drop kicks them. The opponent lands at the corner of the screen.
  • Can be broken
  • Soft knockdown

Makura Bomb - (b/f+D) close

  • Meitenkun grabs the opponent's head, then flips over them, knocking them down.
  • Can be broken
  • Hard knockdown

Command Moves

Nezou Rangeki - (f+B)

  • Meitenkun falls backward, to kick the opponent.
  • Used during combos after cl. C, or cl. D and fast enough to combo off light attacks as well.
  • Hits overhead by itself

Special Moves

Makura Nage - (qcb + A/C)

  • Meitenkun throws a slow illuminated pillow at the opponent. If his DLC costume is selected, he throws a cat instead named Mittenkun and it meows as it’s thrown. It also meows when you win.
  • (A) version travels horizontally (+1F)
  • (C) version travels upward, diagonally at a 45 degree angle (+1F)
  • The slow movement of the projectile for both angles makes it a very useful neutral zoning tool.
  • Is Super Cancel-able

EX: A very fast horizontal pillow that negates fireballs, and puts the opponent in a juggle state if hit (0F).

Sen-Siss Hou - (charge briefly back, then forward+A/C)

  • Meitenkun lunges forward with a fierce thrust punch. Has good start-up speed but has no invincibility. Once he’s lunging he’s invulnerable to low ground projectiles (-7F).
  • This move has 3 levels depending on how long you charge back. First level is the quickest charge that travels half-screen distance & does 70 damage. The second level is about a 1 second charge that travels at a 3/4th screen distance and does 85 damage. The longest charge is around 2 seconds where Meitenkun don't travel full-screen but lands directly next to the opponent if they are separated screen corner to corner & does 100 damage.
  • Soft knockdown
  • Is Super Cancel-able

EX: Much faster start-up, uses the level 1 charge time, safer on block, much larger hit box puts the opponent in a juggle state (-7F). IT does 3 hits for a total of 100 damage and once he’s lunging he’s now full projectile invulnerable.

Sen-Siss Hou (Follow Up) - (A/C)
  • This punch follow-up knocks the opponent away a fair amount from Meitenkun. Not safe on block (-14F) but has a good amount of push-back away from the opponent. Some characters can easily punish this follow-up and others have more trouble.
  • Is Super Cancel-able
  • Ex version is a hard knockdown and regular versions are soft knockdowns.

Geki Hou - (charge briefly down, then up+A/C)

  • Energy briefly surrounds Meitenken while he stands up straight.
  • Has three levels depending on charge time. Level 1 is the quickest charge time of around half a second: has very little invincibility, but has fast start-up & does 80 damage (-16F). Level 2 is a 1 second charge time: has noticeably more invincibility especially after he’s fully standing making it a decent reversal, & more range (-15F). Level 3 is an approximately 2 second charge, fully invincible on start up (-14F). All versions are unsafe on block
  • Can negate projectiles
  • Best used during combos or as strictly an anti-air at a close range.
  • Is Super Cancel-able

EX: More damage, more range (horizontally & vertically), faster start-up, puts the opponent in a juggle state (-8F).

Ressen Kyaku - (qcb + B/D) in the air

  • Meitenkun performs rapid lighting kicks in the air
  • The light kick (B) version does 3 hits (depending on jump height) and the kick will always follow the trajectory of the jump. The heavy kick version can do up to 6 hits, while braking Meitenken slightly in the air before moving towards the opponent. Both back dash versions hits 4 times.

EX: Faster start-up, travels similar to the heavy kick version but has a longer distance and does more damage and hits 4 times. Also puts the opponent in a juggle-able state which can be follow up with Sen-Siss Hou or Geki Hou.

Super Special Moves

Chou Geki Hou - (qcf, qcf + P)

  • Meitenkun jumps straight up in the air, then unleashes a quick, large burst of yellow energy around him (looks like a gold psych burst).
  • Best used as reversal. Has start-up invincibility until he explodes in the air.
  • Will actually sleep if you don’t press anything afterwards. Still very unsafe if you wake him up on block.
  • Easy to super cancel after landed hit Sen-Siss Hou follow up (charge back then forward + P, P) in the corner

Max: Faster start-up, higher damage, wider range, fully invincible

  • Will also sleep if you don’t press anything afterwards. Still very unsafe if you wake him up on block.
  • Midscreen, Chou Geki Hou will combo off Sen-Siss Hou (follow up) (Super cancel) only with a level one Sen-Siss Hou charge.
  • Midscreen, for levels 2-3 Sen-Siss Hou, don’t do the follow up and Super cancel immediately to Chou Geki Hou in order for it to combo.
  • Chou Geki Hou can Super Cancel off the Sen-Siss Hou (follow up) and combo in the corner, regardless of the Sen-Siss Hou level charge.
  • Max Chou Geki Hou can Super cancel after Sen-Siss Hou (follow up) and combo anywhere, regardless of the Sen-Siss Hou level charge.

Hakuchuu Musou - (qcf, qcf + K)

  • Meitenkun advances towards the opponent throwing out some slow punches & kicks that ends with a pillow thrust attack. Performs 4 hits & Meitenkun travels half-screen distance towards the opponent.
  • Some invincibility on slow start-up, unsafe on block (-18F).
  • Some of the attacks negate fireballs

Max: High damage, travels full-screen, performs 8 hits and has more invincibility on start-up (-21F),

Climax Super Special Moves

Daimeiten Hou - (hcb, hcb + B+D)

  • Meitenkun slides low on the ground (almost full screen distance) towards the opponent to launch them in the air, then blasts them with energy
  • Has invincibility during the start, but loses it about halfway during the slide
  • Hard knockdown (-31F).


  • (any special information about the character combos if needed)


Rush Auto Combo

Meterless: description here

1 Meter: description here

EX: description here

0 meter

  • cr. B, cr. Ax2, charge b~f+P, P (150 DMG lvl 1, 179 DMG lvl 2, 192 DMG lvl 3)

(easy damage from a low hit confirm. You can switch with just cr. A's if you want to confirm from a chainable poke but it wont hit low)

1 meter


  • j. D, cl. D, f+B, charge b~f+P, P (275 dmg)

(this combo can come in handy for a quick punish)

  • cr. B, cr. A, cr. B, charge b~f P, P (SC) qcfx2+P = (290 DMG/170 STUN)
  • cl. C, f+B, charge b~f+P, P (SC) qcfx2+P = (351 DMG/190 STUN)
  • cr. B, cr. A, f+B [BC] cl. C, f+B, charge b~f+A+C, charge d~u+A+C, charge b~f+P, P = (404 DMG/320 STUN)

To be used as an anti-air

  • charge d~u P, charge b~f+P, P (SC) qcfx2+P = (317 DMG/160 STUN)

Cross Up Anti Air

  • charge d~u+P (SC) qcfx2+P = (251 DMG/80 STUN)


  • cr. B, cr. A, f+B [BC] cl. C, f+B, charge b~f+A+C, charge d~u+A+C, charge b~f+P, charge d~u+P = (422 DMG/360 STUN)
  • cr. B, cr. A, f+B [BC] cl. C, f+B, charge b~f+A+C, charge d~u+A+C, (delay) charge b~f+A+C, charge d~u+P = (430 DMG/290 STUN) {1500 Max Mode}

Near Corner/Corner

  • cr. B, cr. A, f+B [BC] cl. C, f+B, charge b~f+A+C, charge d~u+P, charge d~u+A+C, (omit on small) qcb+A, charge b~f+P, P = (466 DMG/450 STUN) (445 DMG/410 STUN)


  • st.CD, qcb A, cr. A, cr. B, charge b~f+P, P (SC) qcfx2+P = (365 DMG/310 STUN)
  • cr. B, cr. A, f+B [BC] cl. C, f+B, qcb+A+C, charge b~f+A+C, charge d~u+P, charge d~u+A+C, (omit on small) qcb+A, charge b~f+P,P = (499 DMG/450 STUN) (480 DMG/410 STUN) {1500 Max Mode}

2 meters

  • cr. B, cr. A, cr. B, [b]~f+P,P [SC] qcfx2+AC = (395 DMG/170 STUN)
  • j.D, cl. C, f+B, [b]~f+P,P [S] qcfx2+AC = (505 DMG/190 STUN)

3 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

4 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

5 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)


Frame Data

Meitenkun KOFXIV Frama Data Link


Meitenkun combos 2.01

KoF XIV: Meitenkun Beginner Breakdown

Meitenkun Slow Motion Hitboxes

Meitenkun Quick Combo Guide

KOF XIV 2.0 Lacid Meitenkun compilation

External Links

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The King of Fighters XIV

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AliceAndy BogardAngelAntonovAthena AsamiyaBandeiras HattoriBenimaruBilly KaneBlue MaryChang KoehanChin GentsaiChoi BoungeClarkGang-IlGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeidernHeinIori YagamiJoe HigashiK'Kim KaphwanKing of DinosaursKingKukriKula DiamondKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMatureMaximaMeitenkunMianMui MuiNajdNakoruruNelsonOswaldRalf JonesRamonRobert GarciaRock HowardRyo SakazakiShun'eiSie KensouSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardTung Fu RueVanessaVerseViceWhipXanaduYamazakiYuri SakazakiZarina